Seminars and Training

Nowadays, all business people recognise that social networking is fundamental to their survival and success in the marketplace. The question is, what form should that networking take, and how should it be implemented in practical terms – without consuming inordinate amounts of time?


Simply put, the most successful social networking programmes involve the input of everyone in a company, and when set up properly take just 1% of everyone’s time – as opposed to 100% of yours!

My private seminars and training sessions are designed to help you set up just such a programme and educate and involve your staff in its use.

The results will work wonders in helping you build an on-line community of potential customers,  and establish  yourself as an expert in your field – with all the commercial benefits that implies.

Choose from the following seminar / training options:


  • Protect your business, its reputation, and your staff (half day)
  • How to build a Social Media Strategy (half day)
  • Social Media Best Practices (half day)

Social Media Seminars

  • Introduction to Social Networking (half day)
  • Using Social Networking to Build Your Business (half day)
  • Social Networking Masterclass (full day)

Blogging Seminars

  •  Introduction to SuperBlogging (half day)
  • Using Superblog to Build Your Business (half day)
  • SuperBlog Masterclass (full day)
To book Ian call 07979 593 970 or CLICK HERE>

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