Social Media Sites

Ian McKendrick's Social Media SitesKeeping on top of social media is a little like herding cats!

New sites spring up almost daily and staying up to date with this ever-changing landscape is almost a full time job in itself.

I follow many social media commentators and news sites which help me to keep up to date and on top of current trends, and over time I have set up many social media accounts to explore how well they work and they may be utilised in an integrated social media strategy.

Below is an alphabetical list of a selection of some the most popular social media sites, together with links to my social media accounts there.

This list is by no means exhaustive, for a complete list of social media sites please contact me here>>

Ian McKendrick’s Social Media Sites:


Next Steps:

If you would like help with your social media policy development, or social media training for your staff and management teams on how to use social media effectively while protecting your brand and reputation, or would like to book Ian to speak at your next event then:

Call Ian on: 07979 593 970 or CLICK HERE>

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